Weather warnings
Meteorological Warning
Rains persist in some areas of the country
November 7, 2024
11:15 p.m.
Diagnosis: The Intertropical Convergence Zone remains over the Central American Isthmus, after the indirect influence of Hurricane Rafael has left, bringing instability and humidity to the country.
As of 10:00 p.m., the most important accumulations of the last 6 hours by region are: North Zone (La Fortuna 105 mm, Las Delicias, Pital - San Carlos 86.4 mm, La Virgen de Sarapiquí 54.6 mm and Río Tirimbina, Sarapiquí 54.4 mm), North Pacific (San Mateo, Alajuela 74.2 mm, Aranjuez, Pitahaya - Puntarenas 52.6 mm, Carrillo - Guanacaste 50.6 mm), Central Pacific (Asada San Gabriel, Desamparados 66.4 mm, Muelle Herradura 66.2 mm and Marina Pez Vela 59.2 mm), South Pacific (Ciudad Neily 98 mm, Las Esfera - Osa 60 mm and Fundación Neotrópica, Osa 57.6 mm), Central Valley (Santa Lucía, Heredia 87.6 mm, Aranjuez 73.4 mm, Cerro Burio 68.4 mm, Iztarú 68.4 mm and Recope, Ochomogo 60.9 mm), North Caribbean (Horquetas Hydroelectric 109.4 mm and Rain Forest, Braulio Carrillo 52.6 mm), South Caribbean (Guayabo – Turrialba 62.4 mm and Juan Viñas 52.4mm).
Forecast: For the second part of the night period, a decrease in the intensity and distribution of precipitation is expected. For the Pacific Slope, North Zone and Caribbean, localized rains and showers are expected, with estimated accumulations of 20 -40 mm, in periods of 6 - 12 hours.
For the Central Valley, scattered rains are possible, with accumulations between 5-15 mm in periods of 6 - 12 hours.
According to the latest analyses, instability and humidity will continue in the region, not only due to the activation of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, but also due to the passage of tropical wave #45 this Friday and the increase in instability of the upper atmosphere over the Caribbean Sea. Therefore, the probability of rain on the Pacific side is high and increasing, especially in regions that are already vulnerable due to the rains of the last few days.
Warning: Soil saturation, with extremely high percentages, continues in both Peninsulas, the entire North Pacific, mountains of the South Pacific, North Zone, Central Pacific and Central Valley, so it is recommended to take extreme measures since they are highly vulnerable to incidents.
Due to the above, the IMN recommends:
- Caution due to sewer saturation in places prone to this type of flooding.
- Prevention against thunderstorms and seek shelter in a safe place if strong gusts of wind occur or are perceived near storm clouds, due to the possible fall of tree branches, power lines, among others. These gusts can reach 80 km/h in some isolated cases.
- Stay informed through social networks, Twitter: @IMNCR, Facebook: Instituto Meteorológico Nacional CR and the WEB Page:
Andrés Gamboa Valverde
Weather warnings history
In this section you will find the weather warnings history.
Weather Warning
Rainy conditions will continue overnight in the North Zone
January 9, 2025
06.25 p.m.
Discussion: Accelerated winds prevail in the country, favoring the constant drag of humidity from the Caribbean Sea towards the national territory. The strongest gusts have been recorded in...
Weather Warning
Cold surge #8 leaves the Caribbean Sea, but rains will continue in the Northern Zone
January 9, 2025
10:00 a.m.
Diagnosis: This Thursday the cold push #8 is in the Atlantic moving away from the Caribbean Sea so it no longer has influence in Costa Rica. However, a high pressure system in the United States...
Weather Warning (Update)
Cold surge #8 maintains influence this Wednesday
January 8, 2025
5:10 p.m.
Diagnosis: This Wednesday, the effects of cold pressure #8 (EF#8) continue over the country, the cutting line associated with this system has reached Costa Rica. This favors occasional gusts in...
Weather Warning
Cold surge #8 maintains influence this Wednesday
January 8, 2025
09.25 a.m.
Discussion: On this Wednesday, the effects of cold surge #8 (EF#8) continue over the country, the cutting line associated with this system has reached Costa Rica. This favors windy conditions in...
Weather Warning
Influence of Cold Surge #8
January 7, 2025
10:00 a.m.
Diagnosis: Cold Surge #8 (EF#8, for its acronym in Spanish) entered the Caribbean Sea on Tuesday, its associated shear line is positioned close to the Nicaraguan Caribbean coast. The presence of...
Weather Warning
Rains of variable intensity during this afternoon and early evening
December 31, 2024
11.30 a.m.
Discussion: The Intertropical Convergence Zone remains close to the country, along with instability in the upper atmosphere, these are factors that increase the high probability of rain and...
Weather Warning (Update)
Isolated showers in some areas of the country in the late afternoon.
December 30, 2024
4 p.m.
Diagnosis: The position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone over the country together with atmospheric instability have generated variable rainfall in the country since the morning. Up to this...
Aviso Meteorológico
Aguaceros fuertes aislados este lunes para algunas zonas del país
30 de diciembre de 2024
9:00 am
Diagnóstico: La posición de la Zona de Convergencia Intertropical sobre el país aunado a inestabilidad en la atmósfera alta generan condiciones favorables para la presencia de lluvias variables...
Weather Warning
Heavy showers this afternoon and early evening
December 29, 2024
11:20 a.m.
Diagnosis: The increase in humidity over southern Central America, favored by very weak trade winds and an anomalous position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone over the country, has generated...
Weather Warning
Precipitation this afternoon and early evening
December 27, 2024
11.00 am
Diagnosis: The increase in humidity over southern Central America, favored by very weak trade winds, instability in the upper atmosphere and the abnormal proximity of the Intertropical...