Weather warnings
Aviso Meteorológico-IMN-090125-10.00 a.m.
Weather Warning
Cold surge #8 leaves the Caribbean Sea, but rains will continue in the Northern Zone
January 9, 2025
10:00 a.m.
Diagnosis: This Thursday the cold push #8 is in the Atlantic moving away from the Caribbean Sea so it no longer has influence in Costa Rica. However, a high pressure system in the United States keeps the trade winds accelerated in part of the Caribbean and with this, the entry of moisture to the regions of both the Northern Zone and the Caribbean continues; therefore, the rains will continue in these regions throughout the day.
Forecast: For this day, accumulated rainfall amounts are expected in the Caribbean and the Northern Zone between 30 mm and 60 mm, with maximums of up to 100 mm occasionally. In the mountains of the Central Valley, drizzle and weak rains will occur, with estimated amounts between 5 mm and 15 mm; part of these rains could reach the GAM in the afternoon.
Regarding wind, wind intensity is expected to range from moderate in the mountains of the Central Valley and Guanacaste plains (between 40 km/h and 60 km/h) to strong in the north of Guanacaste (between 60 km/h and 80 km/h).
Warning: Soil saturation levels remain high in the Northern Zone and Northern Caribbean, a situation that generates high flood risk vulnerability.
Due to the above, the IMN recommends:
- - Caution due to sewage saturation in places prone to this type of flooding, as well as due to increased flow in rivers and streams.
- - Caution due to wind gusts and possible damage to roofs, electrical wiring, signs, trees, as well as in the mountainous parts of the country and Guanacaste (national parks, volcanoes).
- - Caution in air navigation due to the increase of turbulence, as well as in maritime navigation due to the increase of rough seas, especially in the North Pacific, Gulf of Nicoya and north of the Central Pacific.
- - Avoid fires of any kind, as they may get out of control.
- - Stay informed through social networks, Twitter: @IMNCR, Facebook: Instituto Meteorológico Nacional CR and WEB Page:
Juan Diego Naranjo Díaz
Weather warnings history
In this section you will find the weather warnings history.
Weather Warning
Windy conditions persist this week
February 4, 2025
10:40 a.m.
Diagnosis: High levels of atmospheric pressure north of the Caribbean Sea basin favor windy conditions in the national territory. This Tuesday, maximum gusts between 60 km/h and 89 km/h were...
Aviso Meteorológico
Condiciones ventosas persisten este inicio de semana
3 de febrero de 2025
10.30 a.m.
Diagnosis: High levels of atmospheric pressure north of the Caribbean Sea basin favor windy conditions in the national territory. This Monday, maximum gusts between 60 km/h and 87 km/h were...
Weather Warning
Strong to very strong wind gusts this Sunday
February 2, 2025
9:30 a.m.
Diagnosis: High levels of atmospheric pressure north of the Caribbean Sea basin favor windy conditions in the national territory. This Sunday, maximum gusts between 60 km/h and 84 km/h have been...
Meteorological Warning
Rain in the Caribbean and Northern Zone this Saturday. Strong winds in the center and north of the country
February 1, 2025
9:30 am
Diagnosis: The arrival of a pulse of humidity and its drag towards the country by the trade wind has favored very rainy conditions in the Caribbean and the Northern Zone, as well as wide cloud...
Weather Warning
Rainy conditions in the Caribbean and Northern Zone this morning
February 1, 2025
03:45 a.m.
Diagnosis: Strong trade winds, combined with a pulse of humidity coming from the Caribbean Sea, have favored rains during Friday night and early Saturday morning in the Caribbean and the Northern...
Aviso Meteorológico
Lluvias y aguaceros en Limón y Zona Norte este viernes
31 de enero de 2025
4.25 pm
Diagnóstico: El efecto de los vientos alisios fuertes aunados a un pulso húmedo proveniente desde el Mar Caribe está creando nubosidad convectiva ingresando a Limón esta tarde. Se registran...
Aviso Meteorológico
Influencia de Empuje frío #9 disminuye hoy
26 de enero de 2025
10 am
Diagnóstico: El efecto del empuje frío #9 sigue generando vientos alisios muy fuertes en la región esta madrugada y primeras horas de la mañana, registrándose ráfagas de viento de hasta 116.9...
Aviso Meteorológico
Influencia de Empuje frío #9 sobre el país este sábado
25 de enero del 2025
10:45 a.m.
Diagnóstico: El aumento de la presión atmosférica tanto en Centroamérica como el Mar Caribe provocado por el empuje frío #9, genera vientos alisios muy fuertes en la región, registrándose ráfagas...
Aviso Meteorológico
Patrón ventoso este viernes en Costa Rica
24 de enero de 2025
10:30 a.m.
Diagnóstico: El aumento de la presión atmosférica tanto en Centroamérica como el Mar Caribe genera vientos alisios acelerados en la región, registrándose ráfagas de viento de hasta 90 km/h en La...
Weather Warning
Strong to very strong wind gusts due to cold surge #9
January 23, 2025
9:00 a.m.
Diagnosis: The increase in atmospheric pressure in Central America and the Caribbean Sea favors accelerated trade winds, which is generated by the influence of cold push #9. During this Thursday,...