Weather warnings
Informe Meteorológico N17-IMN-121124-06.00pm
Weather Report #17
Rainy episodes will prevail on Tuesday
November 12, 2024
6 pm
Diagnosis: This Tuesday, rains continue in the national territory, as the Intertropical Convergence Zone persists over Costa Rica providing humidity and generating weak rains during this afternoon.
In the last 12 hours, amounts between 5 mm and 34 mm have been registered along the Central Valley and Northern Zone, with a maximum value of 35 mm in Balsa de San Ramon de Alajuela. Between 5 mm to 60 mm in the Caribbean, the maximum in Telire de Talamanca. Amounts between 5 mm to 20 mm in Guanacaste, the maximum in Santa Cruz. Finally, between 20 mm to 65 mm in the Central and South Pacific, with maximums in Parrita and Puerto Jimenez.
Forecast: Rainfall will be intermittent and weak at night. Except in the Central Pacific, South Pacific and South Caribbean, where there will be periods of showers, due to the persistence of the flow of humid winds from the ocean. In the mountainous sectors and in the Central Valley, rainfall will be weak with fog banks that reduce visibility.
The estimated accumulations by regions in a period of 6 to 12 hours are detailed below:
- North Pacific (particularly Nicoya Peninsula): ranges between 10 mm and 20 mm, with maximums between 30 mm and 40 mm.
- Central Pacific: ranges between 40 mm and 50 mm, with maximums between 60 mm and 80 mm near the mountains.
• South Pacific (special attention in mountains, on the coast and around the Golfo Dulce): ranges between 40 mm and 60 mm, with maximums of 80 mm.
• Central Valley (special attention in mountains): ranges between 5 mm and 15 mm, with maximums between 20 mm and 30 mm.
• North and South Caribbean (special attention in mountains and plains of the South Caribbean): ranges between 10 mm and 40 mm, with maximums between 30 mm and 60 mm.
• Northern Zone (special attention in mountains and border areas): ranges between 5 mm and 25 mm, with maximums between 30 mm and 45 mm. It should be noted that higher amounts are not ruled out in a localized manner in each respective region.
⚠ Attention: The rainy pattern will increase from Thursday to Saturday. The IMN is monitoring tropical wave #46, which has a high potential (70% in two days and 90% in seven days) of evolving into a tropical cyclone over the central/western Caribbean Sea as it heads toward the Gulf of Honduras. The latest analyses show an indirect effect of this disturbance on the Pacific side of Costa Rica during the indicated period.
Warning: High soil saturation remains in much of the country, with saturation levels between 85% and 100%. Therefore, there is a high probability of flooding in vulnerable areas, mainly in the Pacific regions, and landslides in the mountains of the Central Valley, the Tilarán mountain range, and the Central Pacific.
Due to the above, the IMN recommends: • Pay attention to overflowing streams and rivers with high flow rates. • Be on alert in areas prone to landslides. • Prevention against thunderstorms and seek shelter in a safe place in case of strong gusts of wind near storm clouds, due to the possible fall of tree branches, power lines, among others. These gusts can reach 80 km/h in some isolated cases.
• Stay informed through social networks, Twitter: @IMNCR, Facebook: Instituto Meteorológico Nacional CR and the WEB page: Next report: Wednesday, November 13 at 2 a.m.
MSc. Gabriela Chinchilla Ramírez
Weather warnings history
In this section you will find the weather warnings history.
Informe Meteorológico N°3
Precipitaciones en la Zona Norte y el Caribe
04 de Noviembre del 2024
02:00 a.m.
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Weather Report N°2
Persistent rains in the Northern Zone and the Northern Caribbean this Tuesday
December 03, 2024
6:00 p.m.
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Informe Meteorológico N°1
Lluvias persisten en la Zona Norte y el Caribe Norte este martes
3 de diciembre de 2024
10:00 a.m.
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Weather Warning (Update)
Rains tonight in the Northern Zone and the Northern Caribbean
December 2, 2024
6.00 pm
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Weather Warning
Influence of Cold Surge #3 this Monday
December 02, 2024
9.45 am
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Weather Warning
Influence of cold surge #3 in Costa Rica
December 01, 2024
11.15 a.m.
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Aviso Meteorológico
Ingreso de empuje frío #3 al norte de Centroamérica
01 de diciembre de 2024
04:30 a.m.
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Cold surge #3 enters northern Central America
November 30, 2024
11.05 a.m.
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Aviso Meteorológico
Condiciones atmosféricas inestables durante esta noche
29 de noviembre del 2024
11:40 p.m.
Diagnóstico: Condiciones atmosféricas húmedas e inestables debido a la Zona de Convergencia Intertropical y el ingreso de humedad desde sectores marítimos. A esta hora las lluvias más relevantes...
Weather Warning
Locally heavy rains this afternoon and early evening
November 29, 2024
10:10 a.m.
Diagnosis: High humidity is present in southern Central America and the presence of factors typical of the change of season (trade winds in the north of the country and the Convergence Zone in...