Weather warnings

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Aviso Meteorológico-IMN-090524-0930 a.m.



Weather Warning

Heavy rain on the Pacific slope

May 09, 2024
9:30 a.m.

Diagnosis: The atmospheric instability in our region is associated with the position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, especially over Costa Rica. This favors the occurrence of heavy rainfall, especially during the afternoon and early evening in sectors of the Pacific slope. During the early hours of the day there has been no significant rainfall.

Forecast: During the morning the entry of humidity will be accentuated and, therefore, the development of cloudiness on both slopes. Starting in the afternoon period, the presence of heavy downpours accompanied by thunderstorms is forecast, being more significant for the North Pacific (especially around the Gulf of Nicoya and mountains to the southeast) and the Central Pacific; These will develop first in mountains and later towards coastal sectors. The amounts accumulated in 12 hours will be between 45 - 65 mm with specific maximums between 65 - 105 mm.
In the case of the Central Valley and towards the central and mountainous west of the Northern Zone and Caribbean regions, occasional showers and downpours with localized storms are estimated. The estimated accumulated amounts will be between 15 - 30 mm with localized maximums of up to 60 mm. The South Pacific will present scattered showers and storms with amounts similar to the Caribbean and Northern Zone.

It is estimated that, for the beginning of the night, isolated downpours will continue around both gulfs, along the coasts of the Central Pacific.

Warning: Attention in sectors of the North Pacific (around the Gulf of Nicoya and the mountainous southeast), Central Pacific and South Pacific due to humid soils both in low parts and especially in mountainous areas. Be attentive to the development of storm clouds which present their own and significant characteristics such as descending gusts, high precipitation intensity in short periods of time and electrical discharges.

Due to the above, the IMN recommends:

• Caution due to sewage saturation in places prone to this type of flooding.
• Prevention against electrical storms and seeking shelter in a safe place in case strong gusts of wind occur or are perceived near storm clouds, due to the possible fall of tree branches, power lines, among others. These gusts can reach 80 km/h in some isolated cases.
• Stay informed through social networks, Twitter: @IMNCR, Facebook: National Meteorological Institute CR and the WEB Page:

Paulo Solano

Weather warnings history

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Informe Meteorológico N°5



Informe Meteorológico N°5

Precipitaciones de variable intensidad en las montañas del Caribe y el Pacífico

10 de abril de 2024
09:00 p.m.

Informe Meteorológico N°5

Precipitaciones de variable intensidad durante la noche y madrugada en las montañas del Caribe y el Pacifico

10 de abril de 2024

09:00 p.m.

Diagnóstico: Condiciones inestables se mantienen en el Caribe y en la Costa Pacífica de nuestro país. El alto contenido de humedad presente en la atmosfera y la cercanía de la zona de convergencia intertropical propician dichas condiciones. En las últimas 12 horas se reportan los siguientes montos: Las Brisas Coto Brus 18mm, Rio Claro Golfito 21mm, Caribe Norte Earth 23mm, Universidad La Paz 63mm, los demás sectores no superan los 15mm en 12 horas.

Pronóstico: Durante la noche y madrugada se espera acumulados en el Caribe montañoso de 25 a 35mm en 12 horas. Para las montañas del Pacifico Sur se esperan lluvias con montos de 5 a 10mm en 12 horas.

Advertencia: Especial atención en el Caribe y Zona Norte por el alto caudal en quebradas y ríos por las lluvias de las últimas horas, además de suelos saturados en partes montañosas como la Ruta 32.

Debido a lo anterior, el IMN recomienda:

  • Precaución por saturación de alcantarillado en lugares propensos a este tipo de inundaciones.
  • Prevención ante tormenta eléctrica y buscar refugio en un sitio seguro en caso de presentarse o de percibir fuertes ráfagas de viento cerca de las nubes de tormenta, debido a la posible caída de ramas de árboles, tendido eléctrico entre otros. Estas ráfagas pueden alcanzar entre 80 a 100 km/h en algunos casos aislados.
  • Manténganse informados a través de las redes sociales, Twitter: @IMNCR, Facebook: Instituto
  • Meteorológico Nacional CR y la Página WEB:


Próximo informe: Mañana a las 9 a.m.

Wilke Contreras Hernández
