Weather warnings
Weather Warning
Strong gusts in the center and north of the country this Wednesday
January 15, 2025
10.50 a.m.
Diagnosis: The increase in atmospheric pressure over the Central American region and the Caribbean Sea causes an increase in the intensity of the trade wind over the center and north of the...
Weather Warning
Rainy conditions will continue overnight in the North Zone
January 9, 2025
06.25 p.m.
Discussion: Accelerated winds prevail in the country, favoring the constant drag of humidity from the Caribbean Sea towards the national territory. The strongest gusts have been recorded in...
Weather Warning
Cold surge #8 leaves the Caribbean Sea, but rains will continue in the Northern Zone
January 9, 2025
10:00 a.m.
Diagnosis: This Thursday the cold push #8 is in the Atlantic moving away from the Caribbean Sea so it no longer has influence in Costa Rica. However, a high pressure system in the United States...
Weather Warning (Update)
Cold surge #8 maintains influence this Wednesday
January 8, 2025
5:10 p.m.
Diagnosis: This Wednesday, the effects of cold pressure #8 (EF#8) continue over the country, the cutting line associated with this system has reached Costa Rica. This favors occasional gusts in...
Weather Warning
Cold surge #8 maintains influence this Wednesday
January 8, 2025
09.25 a.m.
Discussion: On this Wednesday, the effects of cold surge #8 (EF#8) continue over the country, the cutting line associated with this system has reached Costa Rica. This favors windy conditions in...
Weather warnings history
In this section you will find the weather warnings history.
Aviso Meteorológico
Tropical storm Zeta forms in the Caribbean Sea north of Honduras
October 25, 2020
08.30 am
Diagnosis: in the last hours a low pressure system has strengthened in the tropical storm Zeta, which is located north of Honduras and about 400 km from Cozumel, Yucatán. This system has favored...
Aviso Meteorológico
Condiciones lluviosas vespertinas en el Pacífico y Valle Central
24 de octubre de 2020
10.30 am
Diagnóstico: La actividad de la Zona de Convergencia Intertropical ubicada sobre Costa Rica, lo débil de los vientos alisios son factores que favorecen las precipitaciones vespertinas. ...
Aviso Meteorológico
Aguaceros por la noche en la Zona Norte y Pacífico
23 de octubre de 2020
5.40 pm
Diagnóstico: La actividad de la Zona de Convergencia Intertropical crea condiciones para la formación de nubes de gran desarrollo y aumenta así la probabilidad de que se mantengan los aguaceros...
Aviso Meteorológico
Aguaceros y tormenta este viernes-actualización
23 de octubre de 2020
2.40 pm
Diagnóstico: Las temperaturas altas que se han registrado esta mañana, sumado al flujo de humedad desde el Pacífico y a la actividad de la Zona de Convergencia, crea condiciones para la formación...
Weather Warning
Downpours and storm this Friday
October 23, 2020
11.00 a.m.
Diagnosis: The high temperatures that have been registered this morning, added to the flow of humidity from the Pacific and the activity of the Convergence Zone, creates conditions for the...
Aviso Meteorológico
Afectación por Onda tropical #47 este jueves (actualización)
22 de octubre de 2020
6:00 pm
Diagnóstico: Influencia de la Onda Tropical #47 y factores locales provocaron lluvias y aguaceros de variable intensidad en el centro y norte del país durante esta tarde. Los acumulados rondan...
Aviso Meteorológico
Afectación por Onda tropical #47 este jueves
22 de octubre de 2020
10:20 am
Diagnóstico: La onda tropical se encuentra transitando sobre nuestro país desde esta madrugada, este factor aunado a las altas temperaturas y el ingreso de humedad desde el Pacífico genera un...
Weather Warning
Condiciones lluviosas en este día -actualización-
21 de octubre de 2020
02.45 p.m.
Discussion: The Intertropical Convergence Zone remains very active, which is located over Costa Rica, a situation that favors a humid and unstable atmospheric pattern causing cloudiness and the...
Weather Warning
Rainy conditions on this day
October 21, 2020
10.30 a.m.
Discussion: The Intertropical Convergence Zone remains very active positioned over Costa Rica, favoring the presence of cloudiness and rain in much of the country; especially in the Central...
Weather Warning
Rainy conditions during tonight - early morning in the national territory October 21, 2020 03:00 a.m.
October 21, 2020
02:30 a.m.
Diagnosis: this Wednesday the positioning of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, the unstable atmosphere and the entry of humidity from the Pacific are factors that favor rainy conditions....