Weather warnings
Weather Warning
Strong gusts in the center and north of the country this Wednesday
January 15, 2025
10.50 a.m.
Diagnosis: The increase in atmospheric pressure over the Central American region and the Caribbean Sea causes an increase in the intensity of the trade wind over the center and north of the...
Weather Warning
Rainy conditions will continue overnight in the North Zone
January 9, 2025
06.25 p.m.
Discussion: Accelerated winds prevail in the country, favoring the constant drag of humidity from the Caribbean Sea towards the national territory. The strongest gusts have been recorded in...
Weather Warning
Cold surge #8 leaves the Caribbean Sea, but rains will continue in the Northern Zone
January 9, 2025
10:00 a.m.
Diagnosis: This Thursday the cold push #8 is in the Atlantic moving away from the Caribbean Sea so it no longer has influence in Costa Rica. However, a high pressure system in the United States...
Weather Warning (Update)
Cold surge #8 maintains influence this Wednesday
January 8, 2025
5:10 p.m.
Diagnosis: This Wednesday, the effects of cold pressure #8 (EF#8) continue over the country, the cutting line associated with this system has reached Costa Rica. This favors occasional gusts in...
Weather Warning
Cold surge #8 maintains influence this Wednesday
January 8, 2025
09.25 a.m.
Discussion: On this Wednesday, the effects of cold surge #8 (EF#8) continue over the country, the cutting line associated with this system has reached Costa Rica. This favors windy conditions in...
Weather warnings history
In this section you will find the weather warnings history.
Aviso Meteorológico
Fuertes lluvias en la tarde en el Pacífico y montañas de la Zona Norte y vertiente del Caribe
20 de octubre de 2020
02.30 p.m.
Diagnóstico: este martes el posicionamiento de la Zona de Convergencia Intertropical, lo inestable de la atmósfera y las altas temperaturas son factores que favorecen condiciones lluviosas...
Aviso Meteorológico
Condiciones lluviosas durante la tarde en el Pacífico y montañas de la Zona Norte y vertiente del Caribe
20 de octubre de 2020
10.30 am
Diagnóstico: este martes el posicionamiento de la Zona de Convergencia Intertropical, lo inestable de la atmósfera y las altas temperaturas son factores que favorecen condiciones lluviosas...
Weather Warning
Showers and thunderstorms in the North and Central Pacific
October 20, 2020
1:30 am
Diagnosis: The instability present in the atmosphere, as well as the proximity of the Intertropical Convergence Zone have favored the rains with downpours and an electrical storm located in the...
Weather Warning
Affection by Tropical Wave # 46 this Monday -Update-
October 19, 20
03.00 p.m.
Discussion: The tropical wave is transiting over our country this day, during its passage it has contributed to increasing atmospheric instability over our territory. This situation, together...
Aviso Meteorológico
Afectación por Onda tropical #46 este lunes
19 de octubre de 2020
10:40 am
Diagnóstico: La onda tropical se encuentra transitando sobre nuestro país desde esta madrugada, de momento su principal afectación se ha limitado a aguaceros en las zonas marítimas cercanas al...
Weather Warning
Tropical wave # 46 will cross the country tonight
October 18, 2020
4:00 pm
Diagnosis: A new tropical wave (# 46) is located at this time in western Panama and will be arriving in the country in the course of tonight. This will mark a change in the atmospheric weather in...
Weather Warning
Isolated but heavy downpours
October 16, 2020
5.00 pm
Diagnosis: Local conditions and the proximity of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, generates favorable conditions for strong, but isolated rains in the country this afternoon. So far...
Weather Warning
Isolated but heavy downpours this afternoon
October 16, 2020
1.00 pm
Diagnosis: Local conditions and the proximity of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, generates favorable conditions for strong, but isolated rains in the country this afternoon. Forecast:...
Aviso Meteorológico
Condiciones lluviosas vespertinas se mantendrán en el Pacífico, Valle Central y Zona Norte
15 de octubre de 2020
02.30 p.m.
Diagnóstico: la cercanía de la Zona de Convergencia Intertropical, crea condiciones para la formación de nubes profundas y aumenta así la probabilidad de lluvias fuertes y tormentas en el país....
Aviso Meteorológico
Condiciones lluviosas vespertinas en la mayor parte del Pacífico y Valle Central
15 de octubre de 2020
10.00 am
Diagnóstico: la cercanía de la Zona de Convergencia Intertropical, crea condiciones para la formación de nubes profundas y aumenta así la probabilidad de lluvias fuertes y tormentas en el país. ...