Weather warnings
Weather Warning
Influence of Cold Surge #3 this Monday
December 02, 2024
9.45 am
Diagnosis: Cold surge #3 continues to create a cloudy environment with intermittent rain in the north of the country. The projection of humidity due to wind drag causes cloudiness in the North...
Weather Warning
Influence of cold surge #3 in Costa Rica
December 01, 2024
11.15 a.m.
Discussion: Cold surge #3 has generated a gradual increase in atmospheric pressure in the Caribbean Basin and Central America and with it a gradual increase in the intensity of the winds in the...
Aviso Meteorológico
Ingreso de empuje frío #3 al norte de Centroamérica
01 de diciembre de 2024
04:30 a.m.
Diagnóstico: La incursión del empuje frío #3 al norte de Centroamérica y el Mar Caribe genera un paulatino incremento en la presión atmosférica en la región y con ello un progresivo aumento en la...
Weather Warning
Cold surge #3 enters northern Central America
November 30, 2024
11.05 a.m.
Discussion: The incursion of cold surge #3 into northern Central America and the Caribbean Sea has generated a gradual increase in atmospheric pressure in the region and with it a progressive...
Aviso Meteorológico
Condiciones atmosféricas inestables durante esta noche
29 de noviembre del 2024
11:40 p.m.
Diagnóstico: Condiciones atmosféricas húmedas e inestables debido a la Zona de Convergencia Intertropical y el ingreso de humedad desde sectores marítimos. A esta hora las lluvias más relevantes...
Weather warnings history
In this section you will find the weather warnings history.
Weather Warning
Rainy activity on this Wednesday
May 06, 2020
10.35 a.m.
Diagnóstico: La cercanía de la Zona de Convergencia Intertropical está generando condiciones atmosféricas húmedas e inestables propicias para la presencia de nubosidad y precipitaciones,...
Weather Warning
Windy conditions on this Sunday
May 03, 2020
09.30 a.m.
Discussion: High atmospheric pressure values continue over the Caribbean Sea, consequently the trade winds remain with strong gusts in the country; with greater notoriety in the north and central...
Weather Warning
Trade winds accelerated on this Saturday
May 02, 2020
10.00 a.m.
Discussion: The increase in atmospheric pressure over the Caribbean Sea generates the acceleration of trade winds towards our country, especially in the north and central part. The gusts have...
Aviso Meteorológico
Condiciones lluviosas intermitentes disminuyen paulatinamente
30 de abril de 2020
Diagnóstico: la cercanía de la Zona de Convergencia Intertropical y el gran contenido de humedad ha favorecido los aguaceros intermitentes con tormentas en el Pacífico y Valle Central. Se han...
Aviso Meteorológico
Condiciones lluviosas en el Pacífico
30 de abril de 2020
9:05 am
Diagnóstico: Como se ha venido mencionando desde el día de ayer, la Zona de Convergencia Intertropical se encuentra activa y cercana al país generando precipitaciones sobre el territorio...
Weather Warning
Rainy pattern will extend into the night hours
April 29, 2020
04.50 p.m.
Discussion: As mentioned in the morning warning, the proximity of the Intertropical Convergence Zone is generating humid and unstable atmospheric conditions, conducive to the occurrence of...
Weather Warning
Rainy conditions on this Wednesday
April 29, 2020
10.00 a.m.
Discussion: The proximity of the Intertropical Convergence Zone is generating humid and unstable atmospheric conditions, conducive to the occurrence of precipitation. From early in the morning,...
Weather warning
Lluvias en el país este lunes
April 27, 2020
10.20 am
Diagnosis: The increase in trade winds has allowed the entry of moisture from the Caribbean Sea to national territory this morning, this coupled with unstable conditions in the atmosphere, causes...
Aviso Meteorológico
Tarde lluviosa en la Vertiente del Pacífico
24 de abril de 2020
10.30 a.m.
Diagnóstico: Nuevamente, el día de hoy el debilitamiento del viento alisios ha permitido el ingreso de humedad desde el Océano Pacífico al territorio nacional desde tempranas horas, lo cual ha...
Meteorological warning
Rainy activity for this afternoon
april 23, 2020.
11:10 am
Diagnosis: The weakening of the trade wind has allowed the entry of moisture from the Pacific Ocean to national territory throughout this morning, this, together with the high temperatures...