Weather warnings
Weather Warning
Strong gusts in the center and north of the country this Wednesday
January 15, 2025
10.50 a.m.
Diagnosis: The increase in atmospheric pressure over the Central American region and the Caribbean Sea causes an increase in the intensity of the trade wind over the center and north of the...
Weather Warning
Rainy conditions will continue overnight in the North Zone
January 9, 2025
06.25 p.m.
Discussion: Accelerated winds prevail in the country, favoring the constant drag of humidity from the Caribbean Sea towards the national territory. The strongest gusts have been recorded in...
Weather Warning
Cold surge #8 leaves the Caribbean Sea, but rains will continue in the Northern Zone
January 9, 2025
10:00 a.m.
Diagnosis: This Thursday the cold push #8 is in the Atlantic moving away from the Caribbean Sea so it no longer has influence in Costa Rica. However, a high pressure system in the United States...
Weather Warning (Update)
Cold surge #8 maintains influence this Wednesday
January 8, 2025
5:10 p.m.
Diagnosis: This Wednesday, the effects of cold pressure #8 (EF#8) continue over the country, the cutting line associated with this system has reached Costa Rica. This favors occasional gusts in...
Weather Warning
Cold surge #8 maintains influence this Wednesday
January 8, 2025
09.25 a.m.
Discussion: On this Wednesday, the effects of cold surge #8 (EF#8) continue over the country, the cutting line associated with this system has reached Costa Rica. This favors windy conditions in...
Weather warnings history
In this section you will find the weather warnings history.
Weather Warning
Cold push # 18 in the northern Caribbean Sea accelerates the wind in the country
February 1st, 2020
6.00 p.m.
Diagnosis: Cold surge # 18 has entered the Caribbean Sea this afternoon and will be moving through this sector in the next two days. Due to this, the windy pattern in the country will increase over...
Aviso Meteorológico
Rainy conditions this afternoon in the country
January 30, 2020
10.45 a.m.
Diagnosis: This morning the warm and quite humid behavior prevailed in various parts of the national territory, mainly due to the low cloud cover and the breeze contribution from the maritime...
Weather Warning
Rainy conditions on this Wednesday
January 29, 2020
10.10 a.m.
Discussion: Cloudy conditions and rainfall remain present this morning over the country, especially in the Pacific regions, this situation is a product of the proximity of the Intertropical...
Aviso Meteorológico
Precipitaciones fuertes persisten esta noche en la Vertiente del Pacífico
28 de enero de 2020
6.00 pm
Diagnóstico: La Zona de Convergencia Intertropical (ZCIT) sigue muy cerca del país, generando inestabilidad atmosférica y provocando aguaceros con tormentas esta tarde. En las últimas 6 horas se...
Weather Warning
Showers this afternoon in the Central Valley and the Pacific Slope
January 28, 2020
10.00 a.m.
Diagnosis: This Tuesday the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) will be very close to the country, generating atmospheric instability and providing humidity from the Costa Rican Pacific to the...
Aviso Meteorológico
Zona de Convergencia Intertropical activa y cercana al país
27 de enero de 2020
4.10 pm
Diagnóstico: La Zona de Convergencia Intertropical se encuentra activa y cercana al país desde este lunes, lo cual ha ocasionado que se presenten lluvias en la península de Nicoya desde esta...
Aviso Meteorológico
Condiciones ventosas este sábado
25 de enero de 2020.
Diagnóstico: Altos valores de presión atmosférica sobre el Mar Caribe mantienen acelerado el viento sobre el país. En lo que va de este día se han registrado ráfagas en el rango de 40-55 km/h en...
Meteorological Report #12
Meteorological report # 12-IMN-220120-Cold thrust affectation # 17 will continue this Wednesday
january 22, 2020
9:30 am
Diagnosis: The cold push # 17 is located on the country, as a result, strong gusts have occurred in the areas of Guanacaste (maximum between 40-65 km / h), the Central Valley (40-55 km / h) and the...
Informe Meteorológico #9
Empuje frío #17 sobre el país este martes
21 de enero de 2020
4.00 pm
Diagnóstico: El empuje frío #17 alcanzó al país esta tarde, debido a esto persisten las precipitaciones en el Caribe, Zona Norte y cordilleras del norte y centro del mismo, se registran lluvias...
Weather Report #8
Influence of cold surge # 17 on the country
January 21, 2020
10.00 a.m.
Discussion: The cold surge advances over Central America, at the same time generating strong winds in the north of Guanacaste, as well as in the mountain ranges with maximum speeds between 50-80...