Weather warnings

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Aviso Meteorológico-IMN-210224-09:10am



Weather Warning

Rains in the Caribbean due to Cold Surge #18

February 21, 2024
9:10 am

Diagnosis: Cold surge #18 and a high humidity content in the atmosphere maintain favorable conditions for the development of rains of varying intensity during the morning and afternoon of this Wednesday, February 21. The amounts in the last 6 hours are: Northern Zone between 20 mm to 55 mm, Northern Caribbean 20 mm to 50 mm with localized maximums of 70 mm, Southern Caribbean between 10 mm - 30 mm, in the rest of the regions the amounts do not exceed the 10 mm.

In addition to this, the high levels of atmospheric pressure allow the presence of accelerated trade winds with strong to very strong gusts in the North Pacific, Central Valley and mountains of the country. The maximum gusts were recorded at the following points: La Cruz and Bagaces between 104 km/h to 107 km/h, ranges between 45 km/h to 80 km/h in other points of the North Pacific, between 80 km/h to 85 km/h in mountains of the South Pacific and ranges between 40 km/h to 60 km/h in the Central Valley.

Forecast: Cloudiness and rain over the Caribbean and Northern Zone are expected to continue during the morning of this Wednesday until the afternoon hours. A gradual decrease in rainfall is expected during the afternoon and evening period in these regions. The estimated amounts for a period of 12 hours are between 20mm to 30mm in general and maximum accumulated values located between 35mm to 55mm near and on the mountains of the North Caribbean, South Caribbean, the coast of Limón and towards the border sectors of Sixaola. and mountains of Talamanca. Part of the precipitation may occur as drizzle to the north and east of the Central Valley during the morning, especially in the mountains.

Towards the afternoon and evening period, showers are estimated on the coast of the Central Pacific and South Pacific, although there is moderate uncertainty in these rains. Ranges are estimated between 10 mm to 35 mm with localized maximums of 40-50 mm during the afternoon and night. In the North Pacific, no rain is expected this day.

During this Wednesday a windy pattern will continue in the country, very strong to intense gusts of wind (between 70 km/h to 100 km/h) are expected in the North Pacific, strong to very strong gusts (between 50 km/h to 70 km /h) in the Central Valley, in mountainous sectors of the Central Pacific and South Pacific, very strong gusts will occur (between 65 km/h to 90 km/h). Windy conditions will vary in intensity throughout the day on Thursday, still maintaining moderate trade winds with the possibility of moderate to strong gusts.

From Wednesday to Thursday, a decrease in maximum temperatures is expected, due to cloud cover and the cold mass in the north of the country. The latest analyzes carried out show that a reduction of 3 °C to 6 °C may occur in the North Zone and the Caribbean; and between 2 °C to 4 °C in the Central Valley and mountainous sectors.

It is expected that the influence of Cold Surge #18 will gradually decrease during the afternoon and evening of Wednesday, February 21, where the country will no longer experience precipitation associated with the system during the night of this Wednesday until the early hours of Thursday, the 22nd. of February.

Warning: Special attention due to very strong gusts of wind in the North Pacific and the Central Valley. In addition, high soil saturation in the mountains of the Northern Zone and the Caribbean.

Due to the above, the IMN recommends:

• Caution due to sewage saturation in places in the Northern Zone and the Caribbean.
• Prevention of wind gusts and their possible impact on roofs, electrical wiring, signs, trees; as well as in the mountainous parts of the country and Guanacaste (national parks, volcanoes).
• Caution in air navigation due to increased turbulence, as well as in maritime navigation due to increased rough seas, especially in the North Pacific, Gulf of Nicoya and northern Central Pacific.
• Avoid burning of all types, as they can get out of control.
• Stay informed through social networks, Twitter: @IMNCR, Facebook: National Meteorological Institute CR and the WEB Page:

Paulo Solano

Weather warnings history

In this section you will find the weather warnings history.



Weather Warning (Update)

Variable rain activity for this afternoon and evening in the country

July 26, 2024
3:35 p.m.

Diagnosis: Unstable atmospheric conditions caused by the proximity of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, high humidity content and local factors have generated rainfall this afternoon in several...

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Meteorological Warning

Variable rain activity for this afternoon and evening in the country

July 26, 2024
10:40 am

Diagnosis: Unstable atmospheric conditions will occur again this Friday over the country. This is due to the proximity of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, the high humidity content and local...

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Meteorological Warning

Unstable atmospheric conditions during this night

July 25, 2024
10:55 pm

Diagnosis: The high humidity content and the activity associated with the Intertropical Convergence Zone, which remains over the country, favor unstable atmospheric conditions in the national...

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Meteorological Warning

Showers with thunderstorms this afternoon and evening in several areas of the country

July 25, 2024
10:30 am

Diagnosis: The position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone over the country, together with local factors such as high temperatures and the entry of sea breezes, favor unstable atmospheric...

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Weather Warning

Heavy showers and thunderstorms this afternoon and evening

July 24, 2024
9:55 a.m.

Diagnosis: Humid atmospheric conditions will predominate due to the Intertropical Convergence Zone being active over the national territory. This will produce isolated showers in the north of the...

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Weather Warning

Intertropical Convergence Zone over Costa Rica

July 23, 2024
11:00 am

Diagnosis: Humid and unstable atmospheric conditions prevail this Tuesday, due to the Intertropical Convergence Zone is active over the national territory, which has left weak rains both in the...

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Aviso Meteorológico

Aguaceros localizados en la Vertiente del Pacífico y Zona Norte durante esta noche

22 de julio de 2024
11:30 p.m.

Diagnóstico: Condiciones atmosféricas húmedas e inestables y la cercanía de la Zona de Convergencia Intertropical, favorecen precipitaciones de variable intensidad, incluyendo aguaceros con...

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Weather Warning

Isolated showers with thunderstorms this afternoon

July 22, 2024.
1.45 p.m.

Discussion: The proximity of the Intertropical Convergence Zone to the national territory causes a significant contribution of humidity and instability, which is generating cloud developments and...

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Weather Warning

Trade winds in the west side of Caribbean Sea and Intertopical Convergence Zone over the country this afternoon

July 21, 2024
09:45 a.m.

Diagnosis: The presence of accelerated trade winds in the west of the Caribbean Sea basin is perceived in northern sectors of the country, which favors the drag of humidity with the presence of...

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Weather Warning

Intertropical Convergence Zone will favor the rains this afternoon

July 20, 2024
10:30 a.m.

Diagnosis: The analysis shows the location of the Intertropical Convergence Zone over our country, already present with instability in maritime areas near the Costa Rican Pacific. On the other...

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