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Aviso Meteorológico



Aviso Meteorológico

Lluvias de variable intensidad en el Pacífico

03 de mayo del 2024
10:30 p.m.

Diagnóstico: Condiciones atmosféricas húmedas e inestables y la cercanía de la Zona de Convergencia Intertropical en el país, han favorecido durante esta noche la formación de núcleos convectivos en el Pacífico Norte y Pacífico Sur. Los acumulados más importantes en las últimas 6 horas se registran en lugares como Palo Verde con 26.8 mm, Nandayure con 25.4 mm, Osa con 53.4 mm, Ciudad Neily con 78 mm y Golfito con 65.2 mm. En el resto del país las precipitaciones rondan entre 05-20 mm.

Pronóstico: Durante la madrugada de este sábado, se mantendrán las precipitaciones de variable intensidad con tormenta eléctrica aislada, en los sectores costeros del Pacífico, también en las regiones montañosas del Caribe y Zona Norte, montos estimados entre 40 mm y 60 mm, en periodo de 12 horas. Se prevé que estos núcleos se dispersen en horas de la madrugada. Para el resto del país, se estiman montos mucho menores con acumulados entre 05 – 15 mm en 12 horas.

Advertencia: Especial atención ante eventos fuertes de precipitación en regiones del sureste del Pacífico Norte, en el Pacífico Sur, así como en áreas del oeste de la Ruta 1 y 27, entre otras.


Debido a lo anterior, el IMN recomienda:

• Precaución por saturación de alcantarillado en lugares propensos a este tipo de inundaciones.

• Prevención ante tormenta eléctrica y buscar refugio en un sitio seguro en caso de presentarse o de percibir fuertes ráfagas de viento cerca de las nubes de tormenta, debido a la posible caída de ramasde árboles, tendido eléctrico entre otros. Estas ráfagas pueden alcanzar entre 80 a 100 km/h enalgunos casos aislados.

• Manténganse informados a través de las redes sociales, Twitter: @IMNCR, Facebook: Instituto Meteorológico Nacional CR y la Página WEB:


Felipe González Bolaños



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Aviso Meteorológico-IMN-070120-0245pm



Aviso Meteorológico

Windy conditions are intensified by the arrival of cold suge

January 07, 2020
02.45 p.m.

Discussion: Very high atmospheric pressure levels dominate the region, which has led to an increase in the pattern of winds during this day, with gusts reaching 80 km/h in the North Pacific and 60 km/h in the Central Valley In addition to this, the cold surge # 15 transits over the Gulf of Mexico, its incursion into northern Central America is expected in the next few hours, further accentuating the windy conditions on the country.

Forecast: It is estimated that during the night and during the early hours of this Wednesday the cold push is affecting the national territory. The main feature will be the projection of intense gusts of wind; Maximum speeds between 80-110 km/h are expected in Central Valley and North Pacific. Windy conditions will also be perceived in the mountains of the Central and South Pacific.

With respect to rainfall, rainfall of variable intensity is expected during the night of this day and early morning and Wednesday morning in the Caribbean and the North Zone, accumulated between 30-60 mm and possible higher amounts in a localized way. In addition, light rains and drizzles are possible in the north and east of the Central Valley and the north of Guanacaste, accumulated less than 5 mm.

The cold surge is projected to move rapidly to the Atlantic Ocean; therefore, the greatest impact will be during this Wednesday and part of Thursday; however, the weather conditions will continue extremely windy over the country at least until next Sunday due to the strengthening of a high-pressure system in the Atlantic.

Due to the above, the IMN recommends:

  • Extreme precautions due to strong winds and their possible impact on roofs, electrical wiring, signs, trees; as well as in the mountainous parts of the country (national parks, volcanoes).
  • Caution in areas vulnerable to flooding due to sewer saturation, increased flow in rivers and streams, and in areas prone to landslides.
  • Caution for boats by choppy sea and very strong waves in the North Pacific, Gulf of Nicoya, Central Pacific and the Caribbean Sea, as well as air navigation due to turbulence over the mountainous sectors.
  • Avoid burning of all kinds as they can get out of control.
  • Stay informed through social networks, Twitter: @IMNCR, Facebook: National Meteorological Institute and the Website:

Rebeca Morera R